
``HttpHealthcheck`` uses HTTP request to check if our application works correctly.

Main configuration:

.. code-block:: yaml

   conn_timeout: 1   # (optional, default:1)
   read_timeout: 1   # (optional, default: 1)
   port: 7007        # (optional, default: 80)
   path: /           # (optional, default: /)
   method: GET       # (optional, default: GET)
   check_status: 200 # (optional, default: 200)
   terminate_health_failed_delay: 600


1. **conn_timeout** - Timeout for establishing connection. Default: 1s.
2. **read_timeout** - Request operations timeout (more info in https://docs.aiohttp.org/en/stable/client_reference.html). Default: 1s.
3. **port** - Request port to use. Default: 80.
4. **path** - HTTP request path. Default: /.
5. **method** - HTTP request method (GET, POST, ...). Default: GET.
6. **check_status** - Check if a response status is equal to a given staus. Default: 200.
7. **terminate_health_failed_delay** - number of seconds to wait before terminating VM which has failed healthcheck result. This parameter is used in preset driver. Default: -1. This value means that termination is skipped. When ``terminate_health_failed_delay`` is greater than 0, VM will be terminated when specified time passes, and check count is greater than 5.