import asyncio
import logging
import time
from collections import Counter
from vmshepherd.iaas.vm import VmState
[docs]class Preset:
def __init__(self, name: str):
self.iaas = None
self.healthcheck = None
self.runtime_mgr = None
self.runtime = None
self.config = {} = name
self.count = 0
self.created = 0
self.terminated = 0
self.healthcheck_terminated = 0
self._extra = {'preset':}
self._locked = False
self._vms = []
def vms(self):
return self._vms
def _reset_counters(self):
self.created = 0
self.terminated = 0
self.healthcheck_terminated = 0
async def _terminate_vm(self, vm):
await vm.terminate()
async def __aenter__(self):
self.runtime = await self.runtime_mgr.get_preset_data(
require_manage = time.time() - self.runtime.last_managed > self.config.get('manage_interval', 60)
if not require_manage:
return False
expired = time.time() - self.runtime.last_managed > self.config.get('manage_expire', 120)
self._locked = await self.runtime_mgr.acquire_lock(
return expired or self._locked
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb):
if self._locked:
self._locked = False
await self.runtime_mgr.set_preset_data(, self.runtime)
await self.runtime_mgr.release_lock(
async def _create_vms(self, count):
for i in range(count):
args = dict(, image=self.config['image'], flavor=self.config['flavor'],
userdata=self.config.get('userdata'), key_name=self.config.get('key_name'),
**(self.config.get('network', {}))
await self.iaas.create_vm(**args)
self.created += 1
except Exception:
logging.error('Could not create vm with %s', args, extra=self._extra)
[docs] async def manage(self):
""" Manage function docstring"""
self._vms = await self.iaas.list_vms(
vms_stat = Counter([vm.get_state() for vm in self._vms])
missing = self.count - len(self._vms) if len(self._vms) < self.count else 0
'VMs Status: %s expected, %s in iaas, %s running, %s nearby shutdown, %s pending, %s after time shutdown, '
'%s terminated, %s error, %s unknown, %s missing',
self.count, len(self._vms), vms_stat[VmState.RUNNING.value], vms_stat[VmState.NEARBY_SHUTDOWN.value],
vms_stat[VmState.PENDING.value], vms_stat[VmState.AFTER_TIME_SHUTDOWN.value],
vms_stat[VmState.TERMINATED.value], vms_stat[VmState.ERROR.value], vms_stat[VmState.UNKNOWN.value], missing, extra=self._extra
for vm in self._vms:
if vm.is_dead():"Terminate %s", vm, extra=self._extra)
await vm.terminate()
self.terminated += 1
to_create = self.count - (len(self._vms) - self.terminated - vms_stat[VmState.NEARBY_SHUTDOWN.value])
to_create = to_create if to_create > 0 else 0
logging.debug("Create %s Vm", to_create, extra=self._extra)
await self._create_vms(to_create)
await self._healthcheck(self._vms)
'VMs Status update: %s terminated, %s terminated by healthcheck, %s created, %s failed healthcheck',
self.terminated, self.healthcheck_terminated, to_create, len(self.runtime.failed_checks),
async def _healthcheck(self, vms):
_healthchecks = {}
for vm in vms:
if not vm.is_dead():
_healthchecks[vm] = asyncio.ensure_future(self.healthcheck.is_healthy(vm))
await asyncio.gather(*list(_healthchecks.values()), return_exceptions=True)
current_fails = []
for vm, state_check in _healthchecks.items():
# if check failed
if not state_check.result():
failed_since = self.runtime.failed_checks.get(, {}).get('time', time.time())
count_fails = self.runtime.failed_checks.get(, {}).get('count', 0)
self.runtime.failed_checks[] = {'time': failed_since, 'count': count_fails + 1}
terminate_heatlh_failed_delay = self.config.get('healthcheck', {}).get('terminate_heatlh_failed_delay', -1)
if terminate_heatlh_failed_delay >= 0 and count_fails > 5:
if terminate_heatlh_failed_delay + failed_since < time.time():
logging.debug("Terminate %s, healthcheck fails (count %s) since %s", vm, count_fails,
failed_since, extra=self._extra)
await self._terminate_vm(vm)
self.healthcheck_terminated += 1
for vm_id in list(self.runtime.failed_checks.keys()):
if vm_id not in current_fails:
del self.runtime.failed_checks[vm_id]