import asyncio
import errno
import logging
import os
import tempfile
from .abstract import AbstractConfigurationDriver
from asyncio.subprocess import PIPE
from vmshepherd.utils import async_load_from_yaml_file
[docs]class GitRepoDriver(AbstractConfigurationDriver):
def __init__(self, config, runtime, defaults):
super().__init__(runtime, defaults)
self._clone_dir = config.get('clone_dir', os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'vmshepherd'))
self._repos = config['repositories']
self._specs = {}
async def _get_preset_spec(self, preset_name: str):
return self._specs[preset_name]
async def _list(self):
await self.reload()
return self._specs.keys()
[docs] async def reload(self):
_tmp_specs = {}
for name, repo in self._repos.items():
path = os.path.join(self._clone_dir, name)
await self._clone_or_update(path, repo)
added = await self._load_repo(name, path)
except Exception:
logging.exception('GitReposDriver: Could not load %s from %s', name, repo)
self._specs = _tmp_specs
async def _load_repo(self, repo_name, path):
loaded = {}
for item in os.scandir(path):
if os.path.isfile(item.path) and os.path.splitext(item.path)[1] == '.conf':
config = await async_load_from_yaml_file(item.path)
# prepend repo name to preset_name
config['name'] = preset_name = f"{repo_name}.{config['name']}"
config['userdata_source_root'] = path
loaded[preset_name] = config
return loaded
async def _clone_or_update(self, path, repo):
if os.path.exists(path):
cmd = ['git', '-C', path, 'pull']
cmd = ['git', 'clone', repo, path]
process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
*cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE
stdout, stderr = await process.communicate()
logging.debug('GitRepo code=%s stdout: %s stderr: %s', process.returncode, stdout, stderr)
if process.returncode != 0:
logging.error('Git error: %s %s %s', path, repo, stderr)
raise RuntimeError(f'Could not fetch presets ({path}) from {repo}')
def _assure_clone_dir_exists(self):
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: