Source code for vmshepherd.presets.abstract

''' Preset configuration (or sometime called Preset store) is a mechanism to fetch and prepare cluster definition/spec for VmShepherd. Preset configuration driver should implement `_get_preset_spec` and `_list`.

Initialization - consider following config:


     driver: SomeC
     param1: AAAA
     param2: BBBB
     some_x: CCC

All params will be passed as config dict to the driver init:

import os
from .preset import Preset
from jinja2 import Template
from vmshepherd.drivers import Drivers
from vmshepherd.utils import get_merged_dict_recursively, async_load_from_file

[docs]class AbstractConfigurationDriver: def __init__(self, runtime, defaults): self.runtime = runtime self.defaults = defaults self._presets = None
[docs] async def _get_preset_spec(self, preset_name: str): """ Returns configuration of specific preset :arg string preset_name: Name of the preset Returns dict - preset configuration Example configuration: :: name: 'C_DEV-app-dev' count: 1 flavor: m1.small image: ubuntu-xenial manage_interval: 0 # interval in seconds manage_expire: 120 # max time of manage (after this time another manage can be scheduled) - expiration in seconds network: security_groups: - PaaS PrivateCloud - paas availability_zone: nova subnet: - pl-krk-2-something iaas: project_name: PROJECT_NAME project_domain_name: PROJECT_DOMAIN userdata: '' meta_tags: {} """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def _list(self): """ Returns list names of presets to manage Returns list of string. Name will be used to fetch configuration using `_get_preset_spec`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_preset(self, preset_name): return self._presets[preset_name]
[docs] async def list_presets(self, refresh=True): if refresh or self._presets is None: await self.refresh_presets() return self._presets
[docs] async def refresh_presets(self): if self._presets is None: self._presets = {} fresh_presets = set(await self._list()) loaded_presets = set(self._presets.keys()) to_add = fresh_presets - loaded_presets to_remove = loaded_presets - fresh_presets for name in to_add: self._presets[name] = Preset(name) for name in to_remove: del self._presets[name] for name, preset in self._presets.items(): spec = await self._get_preset_spec(name) params = await self._prepare_preset_params(preset, spec) preset.configure(**params)
async def _prepare_preset_params(self, preset, config): iaas_cfg = get_merged_dict_recursively( self.defaults.get('iaas', {}), config.get('iaas', {}) ) iaas = Drivers.get('iaas', iaas_cfg) config['iaas'] = iaas_cfg healthcheck_cfg = get_merged_dict_recursively( self.defaults.get('healthcheck', {}), config.get('healthcheck', {}) ) healthcheck = Drivers.get('healthcheck', healthcheck_cfg) config['healthcheck'] = healthcheck_cfg if 'userdata' in config: await self._inject_preset_userdata(config) self._render_preset_userdata(config) return { 'config': config, 'runtime_mgr': self.runtime, 'iaas': iaas, 'healthcheck': healthcheck }
[docs] def reconfigure(self, config, defaults): self.defaults = defaults
async def _inject_preset_userdata(self, config): if 'userdata' not in config or not config['userdata']: return root = config.get('userdata_source_root', '') if config['userdata'].startswith('file://'): path = os.path.join(root, config['userdata'].replace('file://', '')) config['userdata'] = await async_load_from_file(path) def _render_preset_userdata(self, config): tpl = Template(config['userdata']) config['userdata'] = tpl.render(**config)